Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tuesday, January 6th

It was a beautiful sunny day for Day Care.  Still a little chilly at first, but the sun came out and warmed us all up.  We hope everyone is enjoying the new year and sticking to your resolutions! The dogs seemed to have made their own for the new year and are certainly sticking to them.

Grace's resolution is that she will let other dogs be the first one out of the gate, after today that is.

Oreo is waiting for the other dogs but Mason just wants to get to the park.

Buddy is ready for the park.  And Oreo is still waiting.

Longhorn's resolution is to perfect is velociraptor impression in time for the new Jurassic Park movie.  He just needs to work on looking fierce and scary.

Looks like Luna is trying to do the raptor walk too.  But there is nothing fierce or scary about her.

Layla's ready for the park, as soon as her brother Lance comes out and joins her.

Tilly wants to work on showing off her cute little smile more for her New Years resolution.

Roxy is super excited for play time!

Zona on her way to the park.

Bruno looking silly.

Charlie sprinting after Bruno.

Wasabi's resolution is be enthusiastic about everything he does.  He is certainly pulling that off, isn't he Percy?

Cooper running after Wasabi.  Percy isn't going anywhere without that red ball.

Macy, one of our most avid ball dogs, her resolution is to branch out and find other things to enjoy too.

Gibbs surveying the park.


Percy's resolution is to smile everyday.

Zoe's resolution is to enjoy the little things in life, like this ball.  Especially like this ball.

Luna's resolution is sit back and enjoy nature.


The group playing in the bushes.

 The group having fun at the park.
 Buddy getting ready to pounce.

 Cherry's resolution is to share more.  So she is sharing this stick with Ryder.

 Cooper & Wasabi

Major's resolution is to meet new friends.  Good thing he joined day care today!

Bruno's resolution is to try new looks.  What do you think of the ears back look?


Ryder smiling for his picture

Roxy & Charlie playing a game of chase 

Great group shot of Layla, Oreo,Luna & Stella

Ms. Layla 


Rango's resolution is to practice more yoga.

Harley enjoying the sun and saying goodbye to the cold. 
Savannah using that beagle nose
Newbie Piper getting adjusted to her new playground  
Bella trying to steal Harley's sun
Niko's resolution is to get more fancy sweaters.

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